Monday 10 December 2012

Module 4 - Assessing ICT Integration _Assignment 3

As I have said before, COOPERATIVE LEARNING sure is a 'biggie' for me. It is my favourite teaching strategy and I have sen how using it has helped the learning of my students in many ways. I have used this method with large classes and it has gone well and I have ussed it with small class numbers as well. This teaching strategy has brought out the teacher astistry in me making me a more creative teacher so that effective learning can take place.  With the INTEGRATION OF  ICT SKILLS, the lesson plans created, the activities done and the assessment tools created during this module using cooperative group learning  has equiped me with a plethora of ideas as I go forward into the classroom to make it a much more interesting place for my students. After all school should be a joyful place and learning should be a pleasurable activity. 

 I was able to conduct the activities at the Secondary school level (Princess Margaret School) and at the Tertiary level at the Antigua and Barbuda Internation Institute of Technology.

Below are some photographs taken while engage in doing activies from Module 4 - assessing ICT Integration. 

Activity  6 - Simple Info - gathering information from the Internet

Assignment 3
Using Cooperative learning strategy that includes the Integration of ICT.







Module 4 Activity 4 - How we Assess_Assessment Methods

Having  knowledge of the various types of assessment and how to assess is a powerful tool which the teacher can use to provide adequate feedback  to students so that both they and the teacher can monitor their progress in the classroom. I intend to use the varying methods of assessment in my teaching so that I can cater to the learning of the diversity in the classroom. I also think that my level of professionalism in terms of using appropriate assessment procedures is improving.

Module 4 Activity 3 DIVERSITY

I am very much aware of the varying capabilities of students in my classes and I have always been very sensitive to the fact that no two persons are alike and that students learn differently. This session on diversity has  made me more acutely aware of the needs of ALL students and to be more observant of their behaviour and attitudes and to try to find out what makes them tick. With this in mind I will take into consideration when planning activites that I should use diverse teaching methods and assessment practices to cater for the learning of ALL students.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Module 1 Activity 12 - PROBLEM_SOLVING

I thoroughly enjoyed doing this activity.
Using the approach of problem solving is a rather new but it was an exciting and excellent activity which I will definitely be using again.
At first I was a bit apprehensive wondering what I should do or how could I get this activity done. But after sharing and discussing the activity with a colleague, I got a clear picture and came up with the idea/concept used. Thanks Carol G.
The exciting thing about this is that once again I was places in a 'facilitator role' instead of the role of being infront of the class and I had just as much classroom control with this activity. I did not feel as if I wasnt in control of the class (Most teachers tend to think that they can only be in control when they are standing infront the class). Allowing the students to be incharge of their learning seems to be working well. It is exciting... the students were excited and ontask and I was excited and loving it too.
I am liking the 'facilitator' role more and more.

Module 1 Activity 8: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

Wow. Finally I have gotten it.

Who would beleive that for all these years I just did not get the jist of Piaget's Theory. It just didnt make sense to me all these years. I guess it was the method of teaching and how it was taught that had caused me to have developed a mental block to it. But now I have finally grasp the foundation behind his theory. The bits and pieces of knowledge  i had grasped  were filed away seperately and doing this module have finally brought them all together and the puzzle is now in one piece. Thanks to CCTI...

It was interesting to read  Piaget's views and that of Vygotsky and to see their similarities and differences.


The concept of Collaborative Learning and group work has become a 'biggie' for me  interms of teaching strategies for quite some time now. I think I have learnt how to master its use and have seen tremendous success in the results - grades and positive social outcome. I have seen the positive results both at the school level and the tertiary level.

It has always been my view that learning should be fun and for this to happen the teacher is a key ingredient to make it happen. Teachers should take the time out to get to know their students because they are all different and to create the right environment with the right types of activities and assignments so that learning can take place and no one is left out and using Collaborative learning is an effective strategy for this.
Using collaborative learning has helped me as a teacher to  assess my classes so that I can find new and innovative ways to teach the next group that comes my way and so that I can continue being an effective teacher. I have seen how this strategy  has gotten students to enjoy and like what they are doing because of the interaction and comradry among thier peers and  those who had some resentment to the subject of Visual Arts have grown to like it and have performed better.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Module 1 Activity 11 - Lessons learnt from this Activity

For me it this teaching method is new and it find it to be a very interesting one  use to get students motivated. I realise that students once they are comfortable with the teacher  and are not afraid to ask alot of questions which helps them to improve in  their thinking. It also encourages them to be analytical and to come to conclusions but not in a judgemental manner.

As a Teacher I have always said to students that I don't know everything and that I am there to learn from them just as they are there to learn from me and if we both don't know it then we will research it together. There have been several times when questions are asked of me and I would not know the answer and I would tell them I don't know and would research and find the answer, which I always do and would be appreciated. Sometimes I would give them the chance to do the research and present the informaion.

Engaging in this activity I was able to answer all the questions because I was more than adequately prepared. I learnt that the children  themselves don't expect you to have the answer to all the questions and that they test you to see if you would own up to the fact that you don't have an answer to give. 

In my opinion some powerful learning took place.  I look forward to the designs which the students will create when the practical component is given. Also I NOW HAVE ANOTHER CREATIVE  TEACHING METHOD ADDED TO MY REPERTOIRE :).

Module 1 Activity 10 - Promoting Discussion

This was a very interesting exercise and the majority of students responded well to this activity even though I was afraid that they wouldn't since it was a small class and I was of the opinion that the diversity of students was small.
As they began the activity some were not untask and were very playful as the seemed not to take the activity seriously for whatever reason. This brought up feelings about being in control and I felt that I was loosing control and need to use the "teacher incharge big stick" approach. However I was able to push back those feelings and to approach them and was able to coherced them to get into a discussion mode by sitting with them, asking questions to get them focused on the topic and the activity.

When planning discussions, it must be well organised and students must be properly stimulated to participate in order for the discussion to be effective. Teachers must also be mentally prepared to deal with the idea that they are now 'facilitators' and should use a strategy that supports them to get such an activity going instead of wanting to be "incharge" (big stick approach) all the time.

Also teachers should do more listening and to motivate and encourage students to express their thoughts whether they agree or disagree and to remember to praise students for their imput.

Friday 19 October 2012

Module 4 Activity 2: What We Assess

This activity about Assessment has taken my understanding and reason for assessment to a whole new level as I now have a better understanding of what it means to assess and how it can be done. In as much as I think that I have been employing the full asessment cycle, I have come to realise that there is always room for improvement in some aspect if I am to continue to grow as a good teacher.  
Assessment  needs to be continuous and student centered inorder to help them to learn and improve and also to have a positive attitude towards their learning and not just about their grade.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Module 1 Activity 5: Developmental Psychology _CARING FOR LEARNERS

The reading for this activity proved to be a powerful reminder that learners are individuals and that they have their own individual characteris or personalities which makes them different to one another.
As Educators we neeed to pay attention to each child, understand how they differ, what makes them tick and to cater for the development of them all. Since my early days of teaching, I have always been concerned about the PASTORAL aspect of teaching where the focus is on the love and caring for children; the need to care and offer support especially to those who are experiencing difficulties and who tend to 'act up' because they are seeking attention.
This reading in this activity has more or less reinforced what I have been practicing over the years and the need to continue to practice: the caring and loving aspect of the teacher. It has brought back to the fore the need to make learning fun and that schools should be a safe and fun place for children so that effective learning can take place. After all the education system is one which has become so competitive and some of the conduciveness for learning has been lost as the focus only seems to be on curricular issues and the so called "bright" students.
I have learnt that knowing how learners grow and develop, knowing what difficulties or challenges they face will allow me to create the most effective learning environment and expereince  which whould be inclusive of all students as I continue to learn how they differ from each other. This activity has reminded me that children learn differently and that as an Educator I need to take these different learning styles into consideration when helping the childten to learn.
As I reflect on my teaching I have come to realise that I  have been exhibiting or practicing the Pastoral care as I have always realised that there is a need to pay attention to each child, noticing their subtle distresses as well as the blantant ones and to reach out to help them at all times ecpecially when they are "acting up" in my classes. I take the time out to find out what is wrong and what can be done to help them.
I have also learnt that the quality of the home environment plays a huge role in the child's development and that there is a need to build strong Teacher-Student-Parent relationships so that we can work together to address the difficulties children are facing. Parents can make a difference. They need to support teachers towards the goal of developing their children - as they seek to empower them to perform well in their social interactions and in their academic endeavours. They need to help and support teachers to provide a loving, caring learning environment for the young people.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Module 1-1 Activity 4 - Behaviourism

While engaged in this Activity, the powerful lessons learnt are:

1.     Teachers need to constantly motivate students and to provide them with adequate and on-time
        feedback as this affects what and how much they learn.

2.     Learning does bring about a change in behaviour.

3.     Learners should be told what is expected of them  i.e. the acceptable behaviour patterns.

4.     Teachers should model the types of behaviour which they expect thier students to exhibit.

5.     Students are different and teachers must be aware of this diversity and use it to cater for all

6.     Teachers should take time out to listen to and get to know each student as they are all     
        valuable  and have something to offer to aid in your prrofessional and personal development.

Saturday 22 September 2012

1-1 Activity 3_ Reading 2: Social Cognitive Theory

My powerful lessons learnt during this Activity

 That children learn what they see and they model and imitate the behaviour of persons around them especially teachers. This scenario was recently expereinced by me as I watched my great nephew (5 years old) playing school with his teddy bears and toy trucks.
 He was the teacher and the teddy bear and toys were the children. He came to me and asked for a ruler. I asked him why and his response was "I am the teacher".  I questioned him and he said he was playing school with "Simba and my toys". I asked him again what is the ruler for and he said to me "Teacher use a ruler to point at the board and to beat." That triggered some emotions but  I calmed myself,  gave him the ruler and decided I would peek on him just to see how he was playing school.
  The toys were on the chair and he was standing infront with the ruler waving it in the air and saying
" Children listen and follow on the black board".
Then he hit one of the teddy bears and said "Simba you hush". Then he turne to the truck and waved the ruler at it and said "Truck, you and car keep still before I beat you". he then turned to the wall (blackboard) and pointed to it while looking at the toys and said "One plus one is two, now repeat".

It was in amazement as to his vivid role playing of the teacher and how he acted out the roles after only beginning primary school three weeks ago. It is quite obvious that the influence of this teacher on the child is great and it is quite obvious that from what he has displayed that this teacher like to beat and uses the ruler to beat quite often to drive fear into the children and it is not a good situation for learning.
We as teachers must always be cognisant of the fact that the students are watching us no matter how small they are and that at all time we have to be POSITIVE ROLE MODELS who EXHIBIT POSTIVE ACTIONS and ATTITUDES at all times. 

Secondly the Teaching and Learning process is a two way process where roles can be interchangeable. I wanted to become a teacher as I wanted to change the way teaching was done and I think I have actually done so in many cases at some point in time in my twenty six years of teaching. In relation to this reading I think I have done so by allowing students to take charge in the classroom. This has helped them to develop their self esteem, leadership skills, cooperative learning and who knows grooming a teacher in the making. ( Many of my students are now teachers). I realised I needed to help make school a place where young people can use their intelligence i.e their ability to come up with  new and creative/ innovative rational ideas which can be employed in the classroom to help their learning. Students should be encouraged to think and create, and the curriculum must be relevent and stimulating. They must also be taught at a pace that they can cope. I have been doing these things for a number of years and this reading brought up some past feelings which have allowed me to recognise that I am enacting EDUCATIONAL CHANGE.

Monday 17 September 2012

1-1 Activity 2 Information Processing Approaches

While going through the reading material for this activity  with the idea in mind that the deadline expires within a few hours I realised that old feelings about learning was coming up. I found myself asking  the question "But I don't understand what I am reading?". I was underlining as I read but was still feeling confused  and kept
 saying to myself that I am a practical learner and that I learn by doing. However, I kept reading and underlining until I came to  Section 1.2.2 about helping learners remember what they learn. As I read this section I realised that I needed to employ a learning strategy and to find an appropriate tactic to help me. A light bulb went off in my head.
I started reading over from the start taking paragraph by paragraph  and extracting the main points and reflecting on my  teaching  and compare it with what I was reading to see if and how I had been helping my students to learn. As I began employing this strategy, the reading material began to make much sense to me.
I guess that because I had a deadline to meet and that I needed to complete the Activity to meet a specific deadline that I needed to grasp the concept. I realise that I had to find a strategy to help me understand and complete the task and to be responsible for my learning. I was able to reflect and to use past experiences to assist in strategizing my learning.

Friday 14 September 2012

1-1 Activity 1: What is Learning?

The most powerful lessons that I learnt during this activity:

Engaging in this Activity, has allowed me to Reflect on and about my practice as an Educator. I have realize that there are many moments which have contributed to my development Educator for the past twenty six (26) years  and also as an Individual and that there are still these moments of development still taking place. This to me is an indication that “Teaching” sure is a noble and dynamic profession. 

All teachers must be reminded that the most important aspect of the job is the teaching and learning process. Teachers must always be aware of the needs of their students – their social, economic, religious and cultural backgrounds and to respect them all and to create an environment of learning so that all students will maximize their learning opportunity to develop into creative and emotional human beings.
They should also realize that their teaching process should stimulate and motivate students to want to learn and be eager to participate in their learning process through positive interaction and empowerment.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

ccti-1-1_Learning, Teaching and Thinking with ICT and ccti-4-1 Assessing ICT Integration

Activity O
Hello everyone,
Bernard E. Richardson here.
 Its time to to be at the studies again becoming engaged in the activities and assignments. I look forward to working with everyone in the group.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

1B-4 Activity 8: My Conclusion from the Discussion "Is there a need for Teachers"

Of course there is a need for Teachers.
Teachers are and will always be the vanguard of the teaching  and learning process whether they be called "teacher" or "facilitator".  Even though research (Vygotsky and Dr. Mitra) has shown that children are able t learn on their own and especially with the use of ICT there is still the need for a human element in the whole equation to complete. Computers and its related technologies cannot validate and give praise as a Teacher can  to give the uncertain child the motivation to go ahead when he or she needs it. Also in addition when the child does run into technical glitches there is need for that human element in the form of a "facilitator" to help solve such glitches.  So the teacher is needed.
I must agree that ICT does play a key role in enhancing the teaching and learning process across he curriculum and in Education on a whole. It is a known fact that it is a very useful tool for both teachers and students.
As a strong advocate for the integration of technology into the classroom, I have began this integration process in 2004 and have been making some progress. The progress made is not reflected in the physical resource because I still have only one computer and a printer but in the quality of work and students that have been produced over the years using the computer as an additional tool in my Art room. (There is no internet nor any other technolgical resource available). But I have not waited as I am aware that I as the teacher is the most important factor in the equation. In 2005 I was the first teacher to have a student to use the computer as a tool to create Art in the Caribbbean Examinations Council (CXC) CSEC Visual Arts Examinations and since then every year at least two students use this tool to creat Artwork in the Visual Arts exam.
The 'one-computer classroom' has sure been my expereince where students gather around me at the computer as I teach ( using powerpoint and downloaded video clips) and demonstrate using software such as MS Word and MS Publisher and Art software such as Adobe Photoshop. The effort made has produced good results so I xcan say that there is no need  for a teacher to wait until he/she gets the ICT ready classrooms and labs but to use  but to use his/her teacher artistry skills and be creative in transforming the learning environment into a conducive one using the limited resource so that quality learning can take place. Currently in addition to the desktop computer there are two laptops (both mine) which the students can use.
I must say that it has been challenging because when the students show great interest in wanting to use the computer to create Art, it is done on a one-on-one basis as there is no demonstation device (overhead projector). I also have to give up my breaks and stay back after school and even have classes on Saturdays to achieve the desired outcome.

 Penny Adams, first student to use the computer to create Art in CXC Visual Arts exam

 Another student using the computer to design a poster

Student using the computer to design and create a logo

 Yours truly in a one-on-one teaching session with a student using the 'one computer' method

 Student creating Art using the computer

 A sports car magazine designed using Adobe photoshop program

So one can see that the combination of the technology and the teacher can and will lead to excellent teaching and learning. Teachers must remember that ICT is not the focus of their programme but that they should use it as an additional tool (as I have been doing) to deliver the content of their subject area because THE TECHNOLOGY CANNOT DELIVER IT WITHOUT US TEACHERS.

Monday 5 March 2012

Just in Time Learning

I am engaged in completing Assignment 3 and have just made a discovery.
I have just learnt what 'DVD" means.....DIGITAL VERSATILE DISCS.
Thing is like everyone else I have been using the term and never stop to research its meaning. As a matter of fact I never even thought that it was an abbreviation. What a thing...JUST IN TIME LEARNING has taken place even with me as a teacher. I hope it continues to happen in my classes.

Monday 23 January 2012

2A-5 - Activity 7 Part 2 - One Computer Classroom

This activity was an interesting one. I continue to see Excel (spreadsheet) as such a powerful and useful tool.

Once again it tapped into my teacher artistry and resource to come up with an appropriate and creative response for this Activity.

Being a Visual Arts Teacher I  tend to focus on doing activities which focus on my subject area. However I was unable to find an appropriate activity to engage in using spreadsheet in Visual Arts. So I decided to  focus on  my second best subject - Geography ( I did teach it in my earlier teaching life) and what better topic to use than "Weather" to teach this one computer concept.
I did quite a lot of brainstorming as to how to teach the topic and I must say that I am pleased with what I came up with even though now that I am thinking about it I can see how I can further improve on it.

Even though it as Geography, I realise that it would still allow for some creativity in terms of the use of colour and texture for the graphs and charts, back ground colour, smoothing out the line graph and so on. So again some Art will come into play.

In addition completing this activity indicates and further drives home the point that despite the unavailability of resources, a very good teacher is able to use limited resources to effectively teach once there is proper and effective planning.

2A-5 - Activity 5 - Further ICT Skills (Exploring Scenarios)

How could I have missed out on blogging on this Activity... they are coming so fast and furious..

So far this has been my favourite Activity.  I really enjoyed doing it as it afforded me the opportunity to "free style" that is to be creative and to show off  in my own way (some what) the ICT skills which I possess. I was in my element in creating the PowerPoint presentation about Colour Theory and I had a blast creating the course oultine for the Visual Expressions course.  Also  as a member of my school's administrative team,  this activity also tapped into my administrative skills  and resources of which I was proud to share with my tutor.

I am sooooo excited about this ICT integration into Education phenomenon...

Saturday 21 January 2012

1B-4 - Activity 4 - Is there a need for Teachers?

After reading both articles I realise that both experts Vygotsky and Dr. Mitra have provided enough evidence to prove that  children do come to school with some amount of previous knowledge and that it is the Teachers job to build on this foundation.
Vygotsky postulates that teachers should use the previous knowledge of the children to assist them in developing thier curriculum so that the previous knowledge can be a pivot or 'jump off' point and to help stimulate the new learnning that is to take place.  Dr. Mitra's experiments on the other hand shows to us that children can learn without being in a "formal" classroom environment.
I can definitely see how both theories presented by these experts can be used to assist me in my teaching as I seek to continue to integrate  ICT into my teaching. However, for this to take place I first must be aware of what is to be learnt and what knowledge is to be passed on to the students and what are the appropriate methods will be used to pass on that knowledge.
However, my highlight of this activity is that the writings indicate that the emphasis must be on the students and their learning and that my colleagues are in agreement that cooperative learning is one of the most powerful methods of teaching.
Placing children into groups and allowing them to experiment, explore and work together on their own can bring about tremendous results. But for this process to be successful the teacher plays an integral role. For it is with proper facilitation by the teacher in offering guidance and support by setting the rules which govern the group dynamics and the assessment of the group activity that one can fully assess the cooperative learning process.

1B-4 - Activity 5_ Reflections on Myths of Computer Literacy - Integrated Approach

This activity  was a challenging one in terms of all the reading that was there to be done and also having to analyse the varying views of the experts and then arriving at  my own conclusion on the matter. It was also a challenge since I tend to be pro Technology integration  and often times fail to see the other side of the coin. However the reading material was very engaging and  reviewing the different views on what is 'computer literacy' and the integrating of technology offered much food for thought.
I have come to the conclusion that anyone who has a working knowledge of computers can be considered to be computer literate once they are able to use the knowledge and skills in a context or environment pertaining to thier need at any given time to achieve the best possible outcome.

As an Educator I have been using the technology in my teaching, however I am excited about the new discoveries that I have been making and I am beginning to feel more empowered as to how I can use this powerful tool in the classroom, not only as a teaching tool but  more  as a resource material and storage device. I AM EXCITED!!!!!

However, I must remind myself that I must not get carried away and must remember that as an Art Educator that  I must first teach Art and not computers. My whole objective should always be to INTEGRATE the technology in my curriculum - create activities where the children can learn ICT skills while doing Art.

( PING!!! light bulb - a bright idea for a lesson using the technology just lit up in my head.) WOW!!!!!)

Wednesday 11 January 2012

2A-5 - Self Activity 4 - Reflections on Spreadsheets for Administrative Purposes

This Activity was a powerful one in that I discovered just how powerful a tool Excel is. I have been using it to input data and sort them alphabetically but have never used it to calculate data. Now I am aware of possibilities that exist in using this program I sure will be using it and I know it will make me much more efficient in calculating my grades and averages and even to analyze the statistics. It is a great administrative tool.
Even though I am not a confident Excel user I found the activity to be totally engaging in that as I began I found myself wanting to continue to gain more knowledge. I manage to get up to Step 11. 

Even though Steps 9 - 14 were not required to be done by "New Users" I decided to  attempt them because of the engaging nature of the activity and to gain knowledged and equip myself. However I found that the steps began getting very "techy" at Step 10 but I experimented and  consulted with my colleage Karen Pioche who provided an excellent explanation. Thanks Mrs. P.
 The question was asked in Step 10 "Why is K made absolute?"  I was able to learn what is an Absolute reference and what is a Relative reference. Hence the answer to the question is that "K is made absolute to keep the cell range from changing so that the totals could be calculated correctly;"

The layout of the activity was an excellent one in terms of the Instructions given ( simple language) and not too much to be done in each step. Also the addition of "tabs" which gives explanation and more information about certain subtopics allowed for easy understanding of the process. It is the perfect way of how an online lesson should be constructed.

I am excited to learn more about using Excel.