Monday 18 November 2013

Module 8 Activity 5: Interactive White Boards

Interactive White Boards are large presentation tools that work with a projector and a computer to allow teachers to create dynamic and captivating lessons.
It is a powerful tool which provides the opportunity for full student involvement in the lesson through the use of manipulatives, images, audio, video and other visuals and once used innovatively they create a wide range of learning opportunities.

Module 8 Activity 4: The One-computer Classroom

The One-computer classroom is a classroom that has one or very few (probably up to four computers to one student) in a classroom.
 As an experienced use of the One-computer classroom concept, it has been  and will continue to assist me in enhancing the effective delivery of the learning objectives through the use of a combination of text, visual images and audio until I am able to improve or transform my classroom into one where there is a computer available for each child in the class. The most important ingredient to make this concept work is that the teacher must be creative and innovative and must engage in  proper organization and planning of the lessons to be taught so that the learning of all students is enhanced.
For the teacher in the one-computer classroom the computer serves both as an administrative tool and as a teaching tool. Administratively it can be used for professional productivity such as creating handouts, worksheets, tests and quizzes, checklists, lesson plans as well as for writing reports.. It can also be used as a storage device for storing large amounts of data e.g.  as an electronic grade book, students attendance records and their biographical data and other records. It can also store content material prepared by the teacher as well as downloaded from the WWW. As a presentation tool, the teacher can use the computer as an assistant to communicate and present the content area of the subject being taught.
The computer in a one-computer classroom can be used to engage the students in cooperative group work activities where the students are given the opportunity to work together on a common goal for mutual benefit. In addition with careful planning and organizing, students can be given the chance to work at the computer individually or in pairs using specific content software to reinforce certain skills through drill and practice exercises created by the teacher as well as using the internet (virtual galleries, web links etc) and CD ROMs with relevant information to complete activities and worksheets created for them by the teacher to reinforce learning.
The success of the one-computer classroom depends on the creativity and innovation of the teacher who will carefully plan and manage the classroom to achieve the best learning outcome.