Monday 10 December 2012

Module 4 - Assessing ICT Integration _Assignment 3

As I have said before, COOPERATIVE LEARNING sure is a 'biggie' for me. It is my favourite teaching strategy and I have sen how using it has helped the learning of my students in many ways. I have used this method with large classes and it has gone well and I have ussed it with small class numbers as well. This teaching strategy has brought out the teacher astistry in me making me a more creative teacher so that effective learning can take place.  With the INTEGRATION OF  ICT SKILLS, the lesson plans created, the activities done and the assessment tools created during this module using cooperative group learning  has equiped me with a plethora of ideas as I go forward into the classroom to make it a much more interesting place for my students. After all school should be a joyful place and learning should be a pleasurable activity. 

 I was able to conduct the activities at the Secondary school level (Princess Margaret School) and at the Tertiary level at the Antigua and Barbuda Internation Institute of Technology.

Below are some photographs taken while engage in doing activies from Module 4 - assessing ICT Integration. 

Activity  6 - Simple Info - gathering information from the Internet

Assignment 3
Using Cooperative learning strategy that includes the Integration of ICT.







Module 4 Activity 4 - How we Assess_Assessment Methods

Having  knowledge of the various types of assessment and how to assess is a powerful tool which the teacher can use to provide adequate feedback  to students so that both they and the teacher can monitor their progress in the classroom. I intend to use the varying methods of assessment in my teaching so that I can cater to the learning of the diversity in the classroom. I also think that my level of professionalism in terms of using appropriate assessment procedures is improving.

Module 4 Activity 3 DIVERSITY

I am very much aware of the varying capabilities of students in my classes and I have always been very sensitive to the fact that no two persons are alike and that students learn differently. This session on diversity has  made me more acutely aware of the needs of ALL students and to be more observant of their behaviour and attitudes and to try to find out what makes them tick. With this in mind I will take into consideration when planning activites that I should use diverse teaching methods and assessment practices to cater for the learning of ALL students.