Monday 25 February 2013

Module 7_Activity 5: Engaging 21st Century Learners (Reflection)

After engaging in this activity doing the reading, watching the videos, writing to the group and filling out the template and providing information about Engaging learners; as I reflect I am forced to review how I have been and should engage students in the classroom and what I can do to get them more engaged to make their learning fun and more meaningful.
I am strongly of the opinion that students must take ownership and be responsible for their learning but have never thought of how I could help them to do so. This activity has shed much light and have given me food for thought as to how this can be done.

However what caught my attention in this activity are the three components of the engagement theory which  creates an environment for collaborative teams of students who will  work on ambitious projects that are meaningful to someone outside the classroom. They are: RELATE, CREATE and DONATE.

RELATE: Students  relate to one another through communication and collaboration and social skills not only in the classroom but across cultures using social media.
CREATE: Students make learning a creative purposeful activity by engaging in project based learning where they have control over their learning and it therefore becomes a tangible demonstration of their understanding.
DONATE: Students engaged in learning that has an outside (authentic) focus. They are able to engage in projects or works which are taken or published beyond the classroom through real world experience and to be of service to others.
Learners should engage in creating, problem solving, analysing, and evaluating.

Engaging 21st century learners is:

1 comment:

  1. Bernard, I like this post. That list of words for engaging 21st century is well put together and quite a handy way to have them at your fingertips. This could work well for me if I get it copied and laminated to be used as a quick reference.
