Thursday 2 May 2013

Module 9 Activity 5: Lessons learnt from other Schools

The Antigua and Barbuda International Institute of Technology (ABIIT) prizes itself to be the leading ICT institution in Antigua and Barbuda and in the Eastern Caribbean States. The institution offers the best possible learning environment with all its modern teaching and learning facilities and its mission is “to foster academic access, scholarship and excellence as it builds a cadre of human resources with the skills, knowledge and attitudes that are current and relevant for the global job market.”
The Institution offers a modern facility with 12 fully equipped computer classrooms with LCD projectors and whiteboard. There are twenty computers in each classroom with a printer, high speed internet and software for the various programs taught.  There is campus wide wireless access so students can work by themselves or in groups wherever they choose to make a learning space. There is also a library and Mega lab with 45 computers, 2 printers, a plotter and high speed internet access (can be used as a flexible classroom area) and Group work area where students work in groups or independently. All Instructors are ICT competent and teach using the technology.
According to the Dean of the Institution, “The use of ICT skills permeates every aspect of the life at ABIIT and therefore impacts students, teachers and management alike.
The Instructors at ABIIT use a combination of teaching tools and strategies to include PowerPoint presentations, interactive websites, electronic test banks and test developers  in order to provide first world quality education. The administrative duties record keeping – attendance and marks are also done electronically.
 All students, whether in the business or ICT programs must therefore master basic ICT competences in order to perform even at a minimal level “and are engaged in various multimedia experiences and extensive group work activities. The students are able to access their academic information electronically through a data management system called SONIS which provides ready access to student records and class and room schedules and the likes.
 ABIIT prizes itself in bridging the digital divide in Antigua and Barbuda with an increase demand for IT training and tertiary level education.

It is hoped that in my school, attention will be paid to putting in place proper infrastructure so that we can become fully ICT equipped and to encourage both teachers and students to become involved in using ICTs so that they can develop critical thinking and life long learning.

Recommendations for my School
·         -  To move towards developing a concrete School ICT Strategic plan.
·         -  Train all Teachers in ICTs and to expose all students to ICT use.
·         -  Improve the Infrastructure so that ICT resources can be installed and be fully equipped for teacher and student use.

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