Wednesday 26 February 2014

Module 10: Activity 7 - Budgeting

One of the cogwheels needed to make the ICT integration into Education process a successful and sustainable project would be adequate FINANCING. It therefore means that proper budgetary procedures must be put in place where a BUDGET is created to manage how the monies are allocated and how they will be spent.
Funding will be required for Infrastructure and Security, Training of Staff as well as for Curriculum Integration. And while our school is a government operated institution and funding is provided by the Board of Education, the school will also engage in fundraising activities and partner with Corporate citizens and donor agencies to propel this expensive venture of ICT integration into Education.

Module 10: Activity 6 - Plan of Action

The ICT Plan of Action details how we want to achieve our vision of a school with ICT integrated into its curriculum. It compliments the ICT Strategy and details what was achieved, what is being carried out and what still needs to be done in order to ensure that the ICT strategy is a success.

The following is my ICT Plan of Action:

Plan of action

1.     Already achieved in my ICT priority area

  • Both Teachers and students are equipped with ICT tools (laptops and tablets respectively).

  • A number of teachers have begun to use ICT devices in their classrooms to enhance the teaching and learning process.

  • School has two ICT labs, one EDPM lab and a mini Resource ICT Resource Centre equip with computers, printers and high-speed internet access.

  • There is a Wi-Fi connection which provides internet access to both teachers and students using their portable devices in most areas of the school compound.

  • Administrative Staff is ICT literate and uses ICT for keeping records, communication etc.

  • Completed a SWOT analysis of the state of ICT in my school.

  • Grades and attendance records are done electronically using the EMIS system by all teachers

2.     In the process of doing in my ICT priority area

  • Sharing the school’s ICT vision and mission with all members of staff.

  • Creating and sharing the School’s ICT policy.

  • Carrying out a comprehensive survey to find out Teachers’ professional developments needs as it relates to ICT competency and use in teaching and learning.

  • Work along with Information Technology Teachers and other competent teacher to organize Professional Development activities for teachers at varying levels of ICT competency.

 3.     Still to be done in my ICT priority area

  • Completion and implementation of the School’s ICT policy.

  • Continuous training for all Teachers.

  • Create an ICT Implementation Management team.

  • Employ ICT Technical support personnel.

  • Beef up ICT Security.

  • Develop partnership with corporate community and donor agencies.

  • Purchase additional ICT equipment.

Module 10: Activity 5 - Draft ICT Policy

Knowing that my school does not have its own ICT policy, I was some what eager to engage in beginning and completing this activity. However I came to realise that creating an ICT policy requires the involvement of various minds coming together and who share a common vision. I also realise that it is an ongoing cyclical process that requires consultation after consultation to eventually reach a sound draft policy.
The draft policy which I have created will include provisions for the following:
  • Staff development and ICT integration
  • ICT and the Curriculum
  • ICT Infrastructure - Resources and Security
  • Administrative use of ICT
It is one which is has detailed guidelines and with further consultation and some tweaking it will be ready for presentation to the Prinipal and his management team.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Activity 10: Activity 4B - ICT and Staff Development

Having competent and capable staff/teachers is a key component of the ICT integration into Teaching and Learning process.

In order for Teachers to effectively bring about this change they must receive the necessary training so that they  will be able to use ICT effectively in their classrooms. They should be engaged in continued professional development activities so that they will be able to engage in using ICT skills learnt and integrating it into pedagogy so that they can hep in the ICT integration process.

Training should be done at different levels based on teachers' ICT competency level and should include courses/training in Basic ICT skills, How to integrate ICT into pedagogy, basic trouble shooting skils and Managing, learning and teacing with ICT just to name a few. These  sessions can be planned as inservice training, 2 or 3 day sessions for beginners and intermediate users while advance users of ICT could be engaged in online  professional development courses.

Module 10: Activity 3 - Planning with ICTs in your School

My School Vision
     To ensure that each student achieves excellence  through collaboration with its stakeholders.

My School ICT Vision (proposed)
   To develop a curriculum in which ICT is integrated into all learning areas so that the learners and educators can use ICT confidently, creatively and productively as they work collaboratively to develop 21st Century learning skills to help them to realize their true potential educationally so that they can take their rightful place in society.

  My school’s general vision did not incorporate the concept of ICT use. However with the ICT vision being developed, the general vision of ensuring that each student achieve excellence through collaboration was taken into consideration and therefore ICT will be used to enhance and take the school’s general vision to a next level – one where it will include ICT use for teaching and learning as we seek to develop 21st Century learning skills to make well rounded students.

Carrying out a SWOT Analysis
     It was a rather interesting activity. I have heard the term "SWOT Analysis" but never paid attention as to what it was or meant. However I have learnt something new, I now know what it is now that I have had to engage in  carrying out one. I guess it  can be considered an example of 'just in time learning'. Hmmm!! INTERESTING.
     I was able to carefully analyse my school's situation in terms of its ICT planning  as I looked at its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with a view to make recommendations about the way forward with its ICT integration process.
     I have found that a SWOT Analysis is a very useful tool for any organisation  to use as it allows you to carefully reflect, scrutinize and analyse your organisation so that you can carefully and thoroughly plan the way forward.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Module 10: Activity 2 - How to achieve the Vision of the School ICT policy

Every school should have a vision for ICT and ICT integration. It should be an integral part of the whole education vision of the school and should fit into its ethos, beliefs and values.
Developing an ICT policy involves collaboration of a number of stakeholders in order to benefit from their contribution and gaining their support for the process. The stakeholder groups could include:
     Staff (teaching and non teaching)
     Corporate citizens
     Policy makers (politicians)
     Local voluntary and community groups

To have an effective policy, the school must constantly reflect on the successes and failures of the policy and to revise it accordingly thus making the document a living and dynamic one as it will be constantly changing to benefit the teaching and learning process.

Module 10: Activity 2 - Policies and ICT

From carrying out this activity it is quite clear that it is of paramount importance to have a sound ICT policy which consists of a set of guidelines which are clearly stated. This policy  serves as a road map to: 
    1. guide the appropriate use and day-to-day practices of ICT use in the school's curriculum 
    2. ensure the e-safety of staff and students.
For this to be effective, the school must have an ICT vision which should focus on the developing a curriculum in which ICT is integrated into all learning areas so that both the learners and educators can confidently use ICT collaboratively to critically evaluate, manage and use information.
The school's vision for ICT must also sit well with the school's general policy (its ethos, beliefs and values) in order for it to be effectively implemented.